
Showing posts from November, 2020

Favorite Quotes✨

- I am the most powerful tool in my life and i will use me wisely ·Unknown - I walk the path of the Ancient Ones. Nature is my church ·Unknown - Halloween is a lifestyle. Not a holiday. · Unknown - Believe in magic, in love, in fairy tales, in hope, in miracles, in peace, in people, in wishes, and most of all, YOURSELF! ·Unknown - To make magic work, you must believe first. ·Unknown - If you cant open your mind...Just shut your mouth! ·Unknown - She believed she could, so she did. ·R.S. Grey - A strong woman knows she has strength enough for the journey, but a woman of strength knows it is in the journey where she will become strong. ·Unknown - The Path isn't a straight line; it's a spiral. You continually come back to the things that you thought you understood and see deeper and deeper Truths. ·Unknown - Do not speak badly of yourself. For the warrior within hears your words and is lessoned by them. · David Gemmell - Life is an echo; What you send ...

How to Start a Dream Journal

~How to Start a Dream Journal~ 1) Find a suitable journal. Depending if this dream journal of yours is going to be long-term or a short term, it's better to get a good quality paper, lined journal. You definitely don't want your journal to fall apart or when you start writing the pencil goes right through. 2)Don't forget to get a suitable writing pen and pencil(s). If you're like me, a constant mistake maker, get a set of mechanical pencils, and i know this takes a little longer but once you finish, go over your pencil writings with a black pen. 3): If you plan on traveling, consider using a travel cover or protective case for your journal. I've made this same mistake before and it's not a pretty outcome. 4) A dream journal is best written upon waking up, so the best place for keeping it is next to your bedside. I keep mine on my left side nightstand. Comes in handy a lot. 5) Also a book reading light by your bedside comes in handy as well...

How to Start an Art Journal

🎨How to Start an Art Journal(s)🎨 The links below are to help with art journaling inspiration, styles and ideas you might want to try. Pictures below are from Pinterest. Except for the Samhain/Halloween Journal photos. Those are mine. 😉 My Personal Samhain/Halloween Art Journal Pages: 0 to 1 Pages: 2 to 3 Pages:4 to 5 Pages:6 to 7 Pages:8 to 9 Do you like arts and crafts? Do you like creating art journals? Have you ever heard of an art journal? Would you like to try and make one? Do you think it's therapeutic? Do you think its a waste of time? Let me know what's your opinions in the comment section. ...

💜5 Important Things I've Learned from my Mother💜

💜5 Important Things that I've Learned from my Mother💜 Patience: My mother has always said (especially when i was at my worst), "yes, things are tough right now but they will get better. You just gotta have a little more patience and trust in God." For that moment in my life i thought my mom was full of it but in fact, she wasn't. I never really realized how bad life had treated her. When my mother told me what had happened throughout her lifetime i was speechless. I didn't know what to say. All the torment and abuse she went through...I thought i had it bad growing up? No, mine was simply boo-boos on a playground compared to my mom. She really went through the ringer. Everyday i hold these quotes to my heart. My mother would reply in a gentle smile, "I know life is unfair right now, but things WILL get better; they always do." Growing up i could see that my mother had a tremendous amount of patience, in which she had a lot more than that ...

🎶23 Relaxing and Inspiring New Age Songs to Listen to🎶

                                                               *Art Above is NOT MINE** *Songs below are NOT MINE and I Don't Own ANY rights to them.** *They are as a reference to help the readers relax and be inspired** 4 Q

35 Ways to Cope with Stress & Bring In the Positive Energies

35 Ways to Cope with Stress & Bring In Positive Energies 1) Take 10 deep breaths 2) Read a good book (preferably ones with adventure and fantasy, with a happy ending(s). 3) Stretch  4) Write in a journal 5) Laugh often 6) Have a picnic 7) Hug someone (with their permission if they are a stranger) 8) Make a to-do list(s)  9) Sip a cup of tea 10) Talk with a friend 11) Count your blessings 12) Be silly 13) Squeeze a stress ball 14) Listen to soothing music 15) Work on (OR) rewrite a long/short story 16) Smile 17) Cry, if you need to 18) Spend time with love ones 19) Celebrate life 20) Plant a garden 21) Share jokes 22) Play games with family and friends 23) Treat yourself to a gift 24) Go out to Lunch 25) Play with a pet 26) Go to a nearby park 27) Bake a special treat(s) 28) Look at old photos 29) Take a vaccation 30) Go out for frozen yogurt 31) Join a group 32) Take a bus and adventure out 33) Go to a church or sanctuary 34) Stack some meditation rocks, make a...

😱How to face your Fears😱

Fear-buster #1: Let the Movie Play Out. Each of us dreads an imagined worst-case scenario. If you’re camera-shy, for example, you might worry about embarrassing yourself on video. And then finding it online. With hundreds of comments mocking your ridiculousness. Or, if you fear conflict, you may picture yourself trying--and failing--to assert yourself, then bursting into tears. Whatever your imagined horror story, don’t hit “pause” at the worst possible moment of it. Instead, keep the movie rolling until you’re safe. Maybe your mortifying video will fade into internet oblivion--or even better, maybe you’ll star in other videos that overshadow the original. Or maybe your tearful argument will start a real conversation. Bottom line, whatever you picture as your fear, push past the worst-case scenario to a safe conclusion. You’ll feel better prepared to handle the worst. Fear-buster #2: Find the Will. Eventually, agonizing over fears becomes tiresome. So when you’re sick of ho...