Long Overdue Update...better late than never

*Art Above Is NOT MINE**

I've been doing some really deep soul meditating for quite some time now, and i have to agree with all of my guides and ancestors, especially my white albino bald eagle, (aka), my air totem. I know several of my gifts deal with divination; Tarot cards, Oracle cards, Fortune Dice(not to get confused with Runes), and as of June 2023, my Great Uncle Ramon's Casting bones. Yes, in the past i did help certain individuals with their family cold cases by communing with the dead victim(s). I am still referred as the anonymous psychic by several Texas police departments in many cities around the state as well as in the United Kingdom. As of 2018, due to health concerns and other worldly issues, i no longer commune with the souls of cold case victims. However, that does not mean i no longer talk with my ancestors or with other family and close friends from the other side.

Yes, my gifts are extremely heightened around the beginning of the October month all the way up to December 31st till midnight of the New Year. My gifts used to be not as powerful during January 2nd to September 30th, but i guess for the last few years and the many health scares in-between, basically coming closer to deaths cold clutches multiple times, my gifts are virtually the same throughout the entire year now. Nonetheless, i do have limitations. Communing with any departed loved ones start at sundown, and i can only do one hour of contacting the dearly passed on. Word of caution, sometimes the loved one of the seeker that is needed to be contacted will not show. However, sometimes another family member will intervene with something that is more important, either to them, the living or both. 

Also, specific holidays and yearly events might be an issue to schedule a chat with spirits. I will do my best to work within my schedule and the seekers as well, but no promises though when making an appointment.

Tarot Cards (OR) Oracle Cards: 

3-Card Spread (1st Card) representing, You, the seeker, and the situation referencing to the question. (2nd Card) The Answer to the seekers question with a possible word(s) of advice and or hope, depending. (3rd Card) The Outcome, which depending on the question that was given before the reading, along with what was said with other two cards, also depending on the seekers choices whether or not he or she decides to go with the advice given by the cards. As i tell all my clients, past, present and future the choices we make today, even the smallest ones, will reflect on the destined paths we take tomorrow. In other words, the decisions we make today will manifest our journeys we take on the next day. Fate can change like that. It all depends on our choices. This reading usually takes about 10 to 15 minutes, depending on the cards communication and telepathic visions as well. Price is $20
4-Card Spread consists, depending on the question asked by the seeker, Past, Present, Future and Outcome. This type of spread usually takes about 20 minutes, depending on how cards communicate and send their visual aspects to me about the seekers question. Price is $30
The 6-Card Pyramid Spread consists of Past, Present, Future, Near Future, Far Future and Outcome, and some cases an extra card (IF) asked by the cards for me to draw for the seeker. This type of spread usually lasts about 25 to 30 minutes. Price is $40

Fortune Dice(not to be confused with runes) 

To be honest, the fortune dice is very difficult to memorize all the different symbols and commune with the spirits of each side of the dice. I really enjoy them and the energies that vibrant from the different sides, but i need more practice before i can take them to events or festivals. 

Casting Bones
This June of 2023 i received from my first cousins Melody and Samantha an heirloom set of our great uncle Ramon's casting bones. When Samantha was going through her mothers storage facility she found our uncles pouch of talismans and divination amulets. I remember our grandmother showing the pouch to my cousins and me, and even though all my cousins did not take an interest, i fell head over heels with our great uncles magick bag and everything that was inside. Our grandmother had to keep the pouch hidden from grandpa because he was not the type to understand that part of grandmas family. She was very proud that i took an interest in divination. I think that is why she showed me great uncle Ramon's casting bones as well as tried with the cousins. I also remember when i asked to look at the pouch again, grandma told me she 'threw them away'. However, she gave me the stair in which case i knew she had someone of the family take them away. Here we are, almost 3 decades later, Samantha finds the pouch. Of course, as Melody said over the phone all the other wooden and gemstone talismans where completely disintegrated or shattered except for the bones. My cousins put some kind of concoction to keep the bones from breaking too. I received the package from my cousins in mid to late June of this year. I've been practicing with them on a fortune mat as you can see in the video below, and so far they've been scary spot on. There are certain rules that are followed from my uncles mini grimoire booklet that my cousins translated for me to English. The bones, along with the mat help with the yes or no type of questions. This type of reading might go as long as 15 minutes, depending of the seekers three questions. Again, there are certain rules that need to be followed for the bones to work their magicks. Price is $15.

This October mom and i are invited to a big Halloween event by a talented good friend of ours. I am truly honored and grateful to be one of his sponsored guests for his second album reveling. Jaime is also one of my top seekers on my business page. I haven't contributed at any festival or event since the month before the pandemic hit. I've been doing all what i can for the last 3 years from online. I am also very ecstatic about my Lupus being no longer systematic, as well as my WBC(white blood cell count) being back to normal levels. Although, the lupus is on the skin, and my dermatologist is working with me on different topical's to treat the skin lupus, it still is a whole lot better than being systemic. I am also highly grateful that what i had was indeed Lupus, along with a severe case of Endometriosis, my hashimotos-hypothyroidism turned into hashimotos-hyperthyroidism, as well as a good case of graves disease, and a minor case of fatty liver.  Even though two specialists said it was ovarian and liver cancer, and i was on chemo for almost a year, and yes it did mess with my calcium and i am doing my very best to bring that calcium back to normal ranges. The chemo did happen to get the systematic lupus back in remission, but that does not include the skin lupus though. I have definite issue with light, sunlight and immense heat, but it is treatable and temporary, so says my dermatologist. Also, during the time of the new skin treatments this coming November, even though my systematic lupus is back in remission, my doctors have to check me every three months just in case. Its better safe than sorry.  πŸ˜‰

If anyone needs assistance from my divination or hedge-witch gifts, please look me up via Messenger through my business page. Payments are upfront. I have both the cash app and papal. For those interested, i will have to schedule y'all as soon as possible. If you look at my recent posts, there are quite a few dates i will not be available during the months of October and November. The entire month of December i will not be available at all until January 2nd of 2024.😊

Please book your appointment as soon as you can. Thank you all! πŸ’œπŸ’–πŸ’œ


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