56 Things To Know About Me

1.) I love having family and friends who respect me, for me. The people who I can share intelligent conversations with. Ones who will be open-minded to any subject. That itself, is my idea of perfect happiness. 

2.) The two things I most deplore in myself is my weight and size. 

3.) I am a virgin. I made a promise to my higher powers, and I WILL NOT break that vow! Its important to me to keep this pledge. And for those who do not understand or respect my choice of being chaste, well they can go on their own path and leave me be to the one I have chosen. 

4.) Drinking alcoholic beverages of any type is repulsive to me. The smell itself is so gross! Even wine coolers, yuk! Plus, it’s a good thing, due to my medications, that itself, is logic for anyone. Drinking can kill. Some folks its takes years to affect them in horrible ways. However, for the people that cannot take one tiny sip, (like myself), because they will end up in the emergency room or worse. 

5.) Drugs of any kind are a BIG NO in my book. Unless they are prescribed by a doctor and the person must have it for his/her diagnosis(‘s), then that’s a different story. In my opinion, for the people who use drugs and alcoholic substances just for fun, are losers. In time, maybe sooner than later, they will end up hurting themselves, their loved ones and the people around them. Drugs and alcohol can kill. Believe me, I know. I’ve lost many people of my family and friends circle to this kind of sustenance abuse. 

6.) Being born with Lupus is no picnic. Although, it was in-dormant until I was eleven years old, I am grateful it flared up when it did. I wouldn’t be writing this article if it didn’t. As my Rheumatologist said, and still today, “I came into this world with it, and I will die with it.” Lupus is a genetic auto-immune disease, much like AIDS, but it’s not sexually contagious. It runs in families and cannot be cured. It shortens the lifespan, dramatically and makes every infection an emergency. I am very grateful for every day I wake up alive and with no pain. It’s a struggle, but I am a survivor, and I will keep going. 

7.) Spirituality is very important to me. I grew up in a family of devoted Christians, who in fact did NOT disrespect other religions or beliefs in any way. However, after our minister retired and left another individual to take her place at our church, the new minister made everything somewhat different. Although I am a Wiccan, my eyes, ears and soul are very much in tuned with other beliefs and ways of worship. Believing that all roads lead to the Divine. It hurts me to hear and see people putting other religions and spiritual paths down. No one has that right! 

8.) I love reading and writing. I take great comfort in drawing down what I write or read as well. Knowledge is power, and with great power, comes even greater responsibilities. 

9.) One of the hardest things, for me, to deal with in a male friend is controlling behavior. I’ve always been the one to kindly steer these types of men into realizing that controlling a friendship is not a good thing. I’m also the one who gives them three chances to improve this kind of bad habit(s). 

10.) I am a demisexual. If you don't know what demisexuality is, I suggest you do a little research. I am sick and tired explaining what my sexual orientation is, so please, look it up. No, I don't have a boyfriend, and there's nothing wrong with that! So please, start educating yourselves on the different sexual orientations of LGBTQ+. 

11.) I only lie when the occasion absolutely calls for it. For example, when it’s a negative life changing or life-threatening circumstance(s). Those are the only times I will lie. 

12.) The qualities I admire in people that are my friends or want to be my friends are trustworthiness, respect, intelligence, uniqueness and creativity. Those five positive characteristics are the main ones I look for in any person. 

13.) If I could change something about myself, it would be my illnesses. Everyday I wish there was a cure for each ailment that I have. I would have the capability to do whatever I wanted. That would be wonderful and life-lifting! Or at least the main ones… 

14.) I enjoy dancing, but only by myself. It’s kind of embarrassing when people look at me while I shake my groove thang. Another favorite exercise of mine is swimming. Not Olympic swimming or diving, but just having fun in the water. I’ve always been attracted to the water element. Tai-Chi is another fav. It's very relaxing, calming and great for the body, including the soul. 

15.) To write my books and get everything planned to complete them would be a great achievement. It doesn’t help when you have so many aliments, but thank the Creator for the gifts that balance out the negative. I know it takes time, patience and creativity. As well as knowing flawless grammar, punctuation, and spelling, but in my heart of hearts, I will get these books done. It may take a while, but it is all worth it! 

16.) Yes, I believe in reincarnation, but I won’t be coming back to this world as my sources say. In the next life, I will be in a whole different dimension, place, time and body. I am just repeating what I’ve have heard from higher angelic beings. 

17.) I would love to live in Salem, Massachusetts one day. This is because some of my ancestors came from there and moved down here to Texas. I really don’t want to live here in SA all my life. It would be a great experience and adventure to explore the lands where my mothers’ ancestors thrived. 

18.) Family photos are one of my main treasured possessions in this life. They bring back the good memories of my past. The moments in my history that bring tears of joy to my eyes. 

19.) My favorite occupation is the one I have now. Being a self-employed, part-time writer, artist and crafter. Just because I am disabled, doesn’t mean I can’t do the things that I love and sell them at craft fairs. 

20.) I love reading tarot cards and practicing palmistry, plus other divination practices. I’ve had a gift for divination since I was very young. Well, younger than I am now, but still, I have exercised these gifts and had success with many people. 

21.) The two most marked characteristics I have are creativity and kindness. However, don’t mistake my creativity for delusion, or my kindness for weakness. I am not to be messed with. 

22.) In the fictional book world, my two main protagonists are Luna Lovegood & Coraline Jones. The reasons why I picked these two is because they remind me of myself. Luna is strange, and a unique artist. She's always looking for her shoes, and same goes for me too. Coraline is a curious adventurer, she is also witty and rebellious. Between these two, pretty much screams me in a nutshell. 

23.) The historical figure I most identify with is Joan of Arc. This is because she was a woman who was born with mystic gifts, a visionary, the military leader of France and a soldier of The Creator, not to mention a virgin. One of her many quotes are: “I am not afraid; I was born to do this.” I feel that in many ways I am like Joan, and just like her, I live in era and place that the people do not understand my Divine-given talents. 

24.) My three hero’s in my life are: Jo Beth Lieb; my mother who has gone far and beyond to help and heal my troubles, as well as raised me by herself without the help of my father. Ms. Sunsong; my high school home-bound teacher who was patient and understanding throughout my four years, including an extra year to complete my credits. Last, but certainly not least, my Uncle Able on my father-side who loves me, for me. As well as one of my best customers. 

25.) The six negative characteristics I most dislike with a passion are dishonesty, disrespect, igonorance, wannabe-know-it-alls, racists and war. Those are my absolute pet-peeves, i can’t stand them or the people who have these types of behaviors. 

26.) Beading, sculpting and craft projects always bring a smile to my face and a calmness to my heart. It is a feeling of pure happiness that is hard to explain. I guess the feeling is indeed absolute joy, but also a bit of magic in-between. 

27.) If I had to pick an age to die it would be a ripe age of 80ish. Of course, warm in my bed, asleep. No pain, nor anguish, just let my reaper sweep me away to wherever The Creator says I must go. 

28.) Window shopping in the malls, going to Libraries, exploring thrift stores, flea markets and garage sales always gives me cheap thrills. You know what they say, one man’s trash is another mans treasure. 

29.) In my opinion, I think it is worth waiting for the right man or woman. Basically, taking my time to find my soul mate. I truly believe he or she is out there. 

30.) The type of people who anger me the most are liars, ignoramuses & Bible thumpers. It takes all my strength and will-power not to verbally put them in their place. You can’t argue with ignorance, there’s always going to be a crazy church lady preaching some verse in her holy scripture, and there will be always liars. No one’s perfect, that’s life. 

31.) Biting my nails, my bottom lip and talking too much have always been nervous habits of mine. Its kind of been that way since I was a toddler. 

32.) One of my fears in this life that might change who I am today is money & fame. This is because it happened to my sister. If my books do take off, whether nationwide or worldwide, I pray that fortune and the limelight doesn’t transform me into what my sister was, and still is. 

33.) In my opinion, if you’re past 34 y/o, it is unwise to conceive children. This occurs to run on both sides of my family. There is a warning in both sides, that once the woman hits a certain age, her eggs are not strong or healthy enough. The child will end up suffering from some sort of illness or deformity throughout his/her lifetime. Now for some other family’s, maybe 36 or 38 is the cut off for them, but it is different for everyone. This is just my family’s cautionary word of advice. 

34.) I love the cold, not below 40°F. I also don’t like the extreme heat, not above 80°F. I guess my favorite weather temperature would be 65°F. I also adore the light rain with slight thunder booming. It’s relaxing and perfect writing weather. 

35.) My favorite movie director is Steven Spielberg. Out of all the movies he made, I’m going to have to pick Jurassic Park, the first one. That one gave me chills and made my adrenaline go off the charts. It inspired me to study dinosaurs, as well as to search for their bones in rock quarries.  

36.) In my bedroom or in nature is where I find serenity. 

37.) My writings and art are my callings in this life. 

38.) I prefer fruity, decaffeinated herbal teas with 2-Truvia sugar packets and a small drizzle of cream and honey. 

39.) The two main things I like to do on vacations is to educate myself further about this place of interest. Its backgrounds, the people and the cultural differences. Second, would be a little bit of shopping. Bring back some memories with me and for my closest family & friends. 

40.) I believe in Angels. I talk to them all the time. Archangels, guardian angels, cherubs and higher-ranking Angelic beings. I know it sounds weird, but that’s one of my many gifts from The Creato's. A gift that I cannot return, but don’t get me wrong it’s a great gift. 

41.) In my opinion, I consider an inspirational historical heroine is Frida Kahlo. One of Mexico’s greatest artists who battled constant illnesses and painful life experiences. She painted her pain and formed beautiful, symbolic art. It is my belief that Frida Kahlo was, and still is an inspiration for all suffering artists of every age, gender and culture around this world. 

42.) Just a little information, I’m already an old soul. So basically, I have been living forever, just in different bodies in each lifetime. 

43.) The places in my city that I’ve been meaning to visit are the Central Library, San Antonio Zoo & Aquarium, and The Cenotaph. Because I love libraries and adore reading. Plus, they have the largest sum of books there in all of SA. The Zoo is also educational, a place full of majestic and stunning beasts. I would like to spend as much time as possible to learn and experience their behaviors. As well as the backgrounds of these animals for my books and other inspirations. All my life I’ve heard from my grandmother say that her great ancestor was one of the soldiers who served in the Battle of the Alamo. I would like to find my grandmothers ancestral name on the Cenotaph and pay my respects. 

44.) My perfect weekend consists of baking, cooking, reading, writing, going to places of interest, divinaton readings, arts and crafts. 

45.) When I am at a Renaissance Festival or a ComicCon, my nerdy side likes to come out and be part of the activities. Let’s just say its humorous and brings joy to my heart. 

46.) Whenever I write, craft, read and or draw, I lose track of time I get over excited and in the creative moment. 

47.) I believe that confession is good for the soul, but only when your confessing to the person you’ve lied too. Not to a man inside a box. It is better to confront this person and tell them the truth. Then pray for forgiveness from The Divine and try not to do it again. 

48.) If I could own one famous original work of art, that piece would be Frida Kahlo’s; The Wounded Deer. A picture is worth a thousand words, but this piece, in my opinion, speaks more than just words. It expresses the pain and anguish the artist was going through, but also the feeling to go on, no matter the struggle. 

49.) As a kid, I think everyone had some sort of monster living under their bed or in the closet. For me, I became friends with the beastly under the bed creature. Yes, he was a boogie monster, who loves living under my bed, and yes, he is tall, big, scary with long horns and smelled like the Polo mens cologne. He also had a vocabulary like my aunt Glenda, but in Scottish. Russell is HIGHLY protective of me. He's like a big brother. 

50.) In my opinion, the Disney corporation should be bankrupt, or be shut down. This is because of multiple reasons. One: They’re greedy and self-centered. It is no longer about the magic, only the money. Two: The empire was built by a bigoted and racist man. I really don’t like racism or bigotry. Last: I just don’t like them. Yes, I do like some series and films from this corporation, but not every single character and movie. 

51.) Now that I am more mature than I used to be, and aware, I’m now currently watching for ancestral omens. I know now to heed them, and never to disobey these warnings. For example, if I see two ravens and an old guy who resembles Odin, this could mean one or two things. One, you have been staying on the path I have chosen for you, please continue to stay on it. The second however, could mean I should take caution for the road I’m about to embark on could lead to consequences. There are other family superstitions and signs that are good to pay close attention to. 

52.) When I find someone attractive, the first two things I notice is how they treat others, including how they treat themselves. 

53.) Truth be told, I have always had nightmares. Who hasn’t? In my opinion, these terror dreams would scare the sickest and twisted minds of the waking world. I would think Steven King would probably piss his pants if he was to even take a glance into my dream world. Of course, I don’t let my nightmares take over, I control them, they do not control me. 

54.) I enjoy watching Fantasy, Science-Fiction and Comedy. Because both fantasy and science-fiction inspire me and my art/writings. Comedy makes me laugh, and laughter is the best medicine for anyone. 

55.) My five favorite genres of music I love listening to are: Techno, 80’s Pop, Female Rock ‘N’ Roll Bands, New Age and New Age Medival Rock. 56.) As of 2021 I found out I was bisexual. So... i am both demisexual and bisexual.


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