Balancing Negativity; How to be a more positive person❤πŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œ

✨ Start each day you wake up by Thanking the Divine✨
Whether you're Christian, Wiccan, etc, start the day off with a good thank you to your chosen higher power. In my opinion, when giving thanks for another day of life on this earth has always brought me joy and amplified my gratitude for the day to come. It's the small things that make each moment of the day bearable, and sometimes those same small topics can make the biggest impact on your life. 

✨Mirror, Mirror on the Wall✨
Another great thing to do in the mornings is to talk positive things about yourself in a mirror and mean it. Some examples are: "I am enough!" "I can and will make a positive impact on this world!" "I am a strong individual!" "I can reach for my dreams!" You can say anything to yourself, as long as they're positive. Say your chosen mantras in the mirror every morning 3 to 4 times. Say them and mean them. In my experience, i like saying my own affirmations in the evening before bed. This is a wonderful way to help balance out the negative and bring in the positive within you. 

✨Gaze at the Glory of Nature✨
Whether at a park or in your own backyard, look, listen, smell, use as many of your senses that you can for each green organism that surrounds you. Gaze at all the trees, bushes, even the animals and imagine each of these beautifully made creatures blossoming from seed to full bud. Taking a few deep breaths in and slowly letting them out. As you slowly inhale and exhale, think about only positive topics for the day. 

✨Wishing a Family/Friend Member a Good Day✨ 
Whether you have a social media account or prefer talking to someone in real life, you can always make someone's day with just a short, simple sentence. For example: "Hope you have a good day my friends." Just by saying these meaningful words, could very well make somebodys day. What you're doing is giving positive energy to another soul who might need it. Showing that you care is a beautiful thing. 

✨Walking Away From Negative Drama✨
Drama is everywhere. From our houses, to our work places, even local restaurants and shopping centers. There's always going to be drama, and it's not all good. Negative drama can come in many, MANY forms. There are an abundance of examples, but it's up to you if you want to be part of that drama, or de-part from that drama. Standing ones ground in a public area is a great way to help ones self be more assertive and calm. Clearing your mind, if any negativity comes up when in a public setting is another great way. When at home, let's say it's your grandmother or your uncle, anyone who is bringing up those verbal bad vibes, in my opinion, just walk out or go to another part of the house. Don't say anything, just walk. When you are ready to talk to these individuals, then come back and discuss matters calmly and gently with them. 

✨Deep breathing✨ 
No matter the circumstance(s), deep breaths are a must. In through the nose, and out through the mouth. Slow and steady always wins the race. 

~No soul needs negativity in their lives. It wears and tares on ones body, mind and spirit. Learn to Balance yourself, Ground yourself, Better yourself, and most important, Love yourself. These are just a few topics that can help you with being a more positive person. I hope some of these help. Let me know in the comment section if these helped you or if you prefer other methods. It's all good in the neighborhood. ☺️πŸ‘


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