14 BIG No-No's & 15 Absolute Truths About White Witches

White-Witches DO NOT....
.... Hurt people physically, mentally, spiritually, or magically. White-Witches have taken an oath to help people, not to hurt them.
.... Take illegal drugs. The law of our country forbids illegal drug use. Besides, illegal drugs mess up your body, inside and out, why do the stuff?
.... Work black magick......that's those other guys. Real White-Witches know whatever you do, whether in this world, or in the magickal world, comes back to you three times.
.... Eat babies. Children are the future, and every child has a great destiny. Whether small or large every child is important to this world. You never know one day we might have a cure for cancer, AIDS, or even the common cold because of one of those kids.
.... Abuse or kill animals {or anything else for that matter.} Real White-Witches love and honor all animals, whether they are domestic or wild.
.... Tell lies and or fibs. Just tell the truth, its better on you and your conscience.
.... Get into sexual perversions. Enough talk about that. White-Witches don't want to go there.
.... Drink or use blood in any way. From animals, themselves, or any person (alive or dead).
.... Steal or take part in criminal behavior. White-Witches believe that if we take from someone else, we are really taking from ourselves.
.... Summon Ew's. No White-Witch is that stupid!
.... Coerce or brainwash people to join us. White-Witchcraft or Wicca is NOT a cult. White-Witchcraft or Wicca is a legitimate and alternative religion.
.... Use Ew-ish symbols. The White-Witches symbol is the pentacle, which represents the four elements and the human encompassed by Spirit. This symbol has nothing to do with The Major Ew worship or any negative spirits from Dark Down-Under. Plus, White-Witches do not invert any Holy relic, and they don't like it when somebody inverts their symbol, either.
.... Attack people. But they will defend themselves when attacked by others!
.... Use their magick or other skills to show off. White-Witches do not do that, and if any of us do so, it comes back to nip us in the bud three times fold. Each time is worse than the last one. So, the answer is always NO!

White-Witches Do....
.... Believe in MANY Deities. Of course! And NO, we are not going to give up either of them!
.... Believe in Other Worldly and Earthly Spirits. Even though we believe in many other Deities, a lot of us believe in the Fae and other Magickal species of different earthly realms. Including other worlds beyond the physical ones. There is no wrong way to worship.
.... Believe in The Major Ew and the Dark Down-Under. Quite a few Pagans, Wiccans and Witches do not believe in the Major Ew or the Dark Down-Under, they believe in Karma and Reincarnation. But for some, like myself, who have experienced supernatural occurrences most of their life, know the Darkness cannot exist without the Light, and the Light cannot exist without the Darkness. There must be balance in everything and everyone. Thus, where there are Deities of Light and goodness, there are also ones of Darkness and maliciousness.
.... Respect all-positive religious and spiritual paths. Everyone in this world has a belief system, and like I've said before, White-Witches DO NOT put down any religion or spiritual paths, and we prefer that those religions and spiritual pathways don't put down ours.
.... Believe that we are all one. We are one with the Divine, with people, with plants, with animals, with the elements, etc.
.... Believe in prayer. White-Witches pray all the time. Prayer helps everyone and everything. White-Witches know that focused prayers represent power.
.... Believe in Karma. For every action, there is an equal reaction.
.... Realize that to make the planet a good place to live, we must live in harmony with others. To do this, we work long and hard. Healing and helping others with positive energy, power of prayer and being productive in the environment. Doing our part in the community, whether its recycling, donating clothing, furniture, food, or money. Do your best, that's all what the Divine asks of anyone.
.... Believe that's there are three parts to a person. The physical, the mental, and the spiritual. We try to train ourselves in harmony as best we can.
.... Use common sense. White-Witches do not do dumb things, such as drink and drive, or other stupid stuff.
.... Know that thoughts are things. White-Witches are always careful about what we think, whether considering ourselves or someone else.
.... Know that power grows in direct proportion to wisdom. White-Witches know that frightening people is not a wise way to behave, and that we also believe that using religious doctrine to scare somebody counts as a really bad thing to do.
.... Know that the art of magick is our greatest gift. If we work bad magick, the Divine will take our gifts from us. If we work positive magick, then that good energy will return to us three-fold.
.... Work alone or with others in a Magick Circle. The Magick Circle represents our temple or church. White-Witches never bring jealousy, hatred or anger into the Magick Circle, as that would be disrespectful to the Divine.
.... Believe in reincarnation. We know that we live many lives in order to grow spiritually. If we are given another chance at life on earth or another planet, who are we to refuse another chance of learning, teaching, and helping the people or beings in that lifetime. It is an experience well worth adventuring.
.... Believe that there is no one right way to worship the Divine. We feel that each person must cultivate their own beliefs, so that they can be comfortable with the Spirit.


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