
Showing posts from November, 2021

A BIG THANK YOU & SHOUT OUT To My Beautiful Little Sister!

     I want to thank my little sister, Jessica for everything shes done for both mom and I. Both of us are truly blessed beyond measure. Thank you Lord and Lady for bringing Jessica into our lives.       You're the absolute awesome sauced sibling EVER! Has anyone ever told you you're a beautiful and generous individual? Cause you are sis and more! I am forever grateful you are in our lives and will continue to be.       Sis, if your reading this please know that you're such kind-hearted and gorgeous soul. I love you to the ends of this earth and back!✨💜✨

Reason For My Absence - Part 2.

⬆️The Illustration Above Is NOT MINE!⬆️ I'm currently going through a lot right now. Again, I want to thank all our friends who are praying and sending kind messages for me. I was recently diagnosed with Menieres Disease, which is an inner ear disorder,causing severe dizzyness and vomiting. Im also suffering from Severe Thyroid issues caused by my LUPUS. Most of my life I've had  Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism. Then sometime in August it changed to Hashimoto's Hyperthyroidism....which is very rare. Side effects from this change AND from my LUPUS are also causing  unfortunate side effects. One of these is that I am going to lose ALL my hair. The doctors said by March at the least. They did give me topical medicine for the bleeding of the scalp. My doctors did confirm that my hair would eventually grow back. It all depends on my immune system. Today I had to get my hair cut and shaved off due to all the spots on my scalp. My weight is now 300 even. Even though les...