14 BIG No-No's & 15 Absolute Truths About White Witches

⁕ White -Witches DO NOT.... .... Hurt people physically, mentally, spiritually, or magically. White-Witches have taken an oath to help people, not to hurt them. .... Take illegal drugs. The law of our country forbids illegal drug use. Besides, illegal drugs mess up your body, inside and out, why do the stuff? .... Work black magick......that's those other guys. Real White-Witches know whatever you do, whether in this world, or in the magickal world, comes back to you three times. .... Eat babies. Children are the future, and every child has a great destiny. Whether small or large every child is important to this world. You never know one day we might have a cure for cancer, AIDS, or even the common cold because of one of those kids. .... Abuse or kill animals {or anything else for that matter.} Real White-Witches love and honor all animals, whether they are domestic or wild. .... Tell lies and or fibs. Just tell the truth, its better on you and y...